Idaho BMX is run entirely by Volunteers
Idaho BMX, Inc. is a 501c3 non-profit organization that operates the local USA/BMX sanctioned tracks in Caldwell and Eagle, Idaho. While Idaho BMX does have a volunteer based Board, we still regularly need volunteers in order to run our events. Many parents and riders step up to help out, and we can’t do it without you.
Volunteer Positions

Broadcasts the races by announcing who is racing and what placements they’re in as they compete. Makes general announcements to update spectators. The announcer keeps the tempo of the event moving and overall acts as the lead for the other event staff via two-way radios.
Basics: Registration check in and membership renewal/creation. This position uses the USABMX computer software and includes confirming the racers plate number and calculated age, and marks a “Yes” next to everyone's name to make sure they are accounted for before the Race Director does final moto prep. Includes accepting cash and credit card payments and accounting for each in the digital payment gateway.
Advanced: Creation of events in Race Manager software, scanning of waivers and submitting final Track Operator Reporting Forms (TORF). The submission of the TORF certifies rider points and initiates our track payment to USA/BMX.
Gate Operator
Basics: operates the gate during sanctioned practices/race events. Communicates with other volunteers via radio to coordinate gate timing and observes riders on the track/watches to make sure that the racers are safe before initiating gate sequence.This position should also take a quick look to make sure racers helmets are buckled and wheels are aligned properly in the gate.
Any rider in the gate having difficulties, not ready to race or questioning another rider’s lane position or safety equipment can only put that race on hold by placing their front wheel over the gate. This action must take place before the starting cadence begins.
The only riders that may be assisted at the starting gate are those 5 years old and younger. This assistance shall only include the rear wheel being placed between the assistant’s legs. No hands may be used to prop the rider up and any pushing off will result in the rider’s disqualification.
Advanced: Preps (fuel, test, safety check, setup of generator etc.) gate before event, and puts away equipment for the gate after races/practices.
Usually 1 to 2 positions, organizes racers into their appropriate motos & lanes on time in the staging area. References moto sheets so they are aware of the racers moto and lane number, communicates with the announcer in the case of missing riders, or incorrect number plates.
Corner Officials
Helps to ensure the safety of the racers on the track. Helps riders become untangled from bikes and calls for first aid as needed. Volunteers can assist riders with their bikes during a crash, but should not advance the rider in any form during assistance. In the case of riders making or contesting illegal moves, assists the track operator in making a call by providing input of the occurings from their perspective.
Finish Line
Typically, two+ volunteers at each race and three+ at larger events. Finish Line volunteers are responsible for writing down plate numbers of racers as they cross the finish line on moto sheets for the use of race scoring during each round. In total point races, tallies point totals. Head scorer located at the finish line along with enough assistant scorers necessary to accurately call race finishes. All of the head scorer’s decisions regarding finishes and scoring are final.
The finish line should also note riders that missed their moto, injuries, and disputes or disqualifications.
After each moto Scoring, Announcing, and Staging Volunteers discuss any discrepancies, make adjustments on moto sheets, and overall make sure all moto sheets are ready for the next round.
Track Maintenance
Keeps the track maintained during race/practice nights. Wets dust, rakes, fills divots, also ensures the track is left in a clean and tidy condition including emptying/collecting garbage and recyclables.
Rock Walk: Volunteer walks the entire track and picks up and removes rocks and other hazards from the track.
Watering: Is responsible for taking the hoses out of the sea can and hooking it up to the water tap and waters the corners and track to keep the dust down. This happens before racers ride, which then helps with track packing during the race.
Sweeping: sweeping loose or excess dirt off of the main track area. Smooths excess so that it can be watered and packed.
Using final scoring from Finish Line, volunteers distribute and track who has claimed their awards based on their final score/finish placement. Typically, riders are marked off of the sheets as they claim their award. Adding SS for saver stamps, T for trophy, or BB for bike bucks helps keep track of rider payouts.
The scoring sheets are left in order at the registration desk and then used for scoring.
If there are any discrepancies regarding scoring found while handing out awards, it should be brought to the head official or the track operator immediately. This will ensure the correct award is passed out going forward, and most importantly, that the scoring is correct when entered into the computer and sent to USABMX.

Interested in Volunteering?
It’s easy and just about anyone can help out.
Check out our weekly events for opportunities to volunteer (we post all events weekly on our Facebook)
Questions? Contact the board at idahobmx@idahobmx.com to learn more!
Key Rules for Volunteers to Know
Staging Must Knows
1 Minute Rule
XII. Racing Rules
8. Any rider not responding to the call of his/her name or number in staging has one minute to get to the staging area. The starter is never required to hold a gate for a missing rider.
Plate Numbers
It is the rider’s responsibility for checking their plate numbers after motos have been posted. Staging volunteers should flag to the rider if they are not correct.
At our small single point races, it is okay if riders run the wrong plate but it needs to be communicated to the other volunteers via radio. Even better - the rider corrects their plate number between rounds.
At the multi point events, we need to be more strict about this. It is announced and also in the rule book.
XIII. Scoring
1. The plate number being used on each rider’s bike must appear on the moto sheet or that rider may not be scored and points may be withheld.
Letters for Plates
IX. Rider Identification
8. In classes where riders have the same number, a letter may be required to be displayed on the number plate for identification purposes. This letter will be supplied in staging and must remain on that rider’s number plate for the duration of the day’s race or until told otherwise.
Gate Operator Must Knows
Impeding / Malicious Contact
XII. Racing Rules
18. A rider determined by an official to have intentionally impeded the progress of another rider during the first 30 feet of the race may be disqualified. To facilitate this rule, it is recommended that a clearly visible line extend across the width of the track, placed at a point 30 feet from the starting gate. (Moving over is not a foul in and of itself. Intentionally moving over and blocking another rider is the foul.)
19. Three riders falling down before the crest of the first obstacle will constitute a restart. The “crest” shall be defined as the top of the front-most part of any jump.
Corner Official Must Knows
XII. Racing Rules
20. During the course of a race, should a rider leave the track as a direct result of contact with another rider, that rider must re-enter the track at the nearest point that is safe to all riders, without improving his/her position. (Riders re-entering the track in an improved position must delay themselves to the original position and then continue racing from there.)
21. Any rider determined by an official as maliciously forcing another rider off the track may be disqualified.
22. Should a rider leave the track purely on his/her own accord, that rider must make sure NO obstacles have been missed before returning to the track in a safe manner otherwise the rider may be disqualified.
26. The lead rider can take any line available on the track. (This relates to any rider ahead of any other-2nd place ahead of 3rd, 5th ahead of 6th, etc.). However, if the lead rider intentionally moves over and makes malicious contact with another rider, then that rider may be disqualified.
27. (Note for Corner & Finish Line) When on the final straight, a rider determined by an official to have intentionally impeded the progress of another rider may be disqualified. (Moving over is not a foul in and of itself. Intentionally moving over and blocking another rider is the foul.)
Scoring Specific Rules
XII. Racing Rules
28. Any rider, the victim of an officially recognized foul, will NOT be given the placement he was in when the foul occurred. Exception, if the infraction took place on the final straight between the last obstacle and the finish line, that rider would then be awarded the placement they were in before the infraction.
XII. Racing Rules
32. Any rider lodging a protest about a particular race must present his/her case to the head official within 10 motos after the race in question.
33. Officials have the authority to call fouls and levee disqualifications regardless of whether a protest has been lodged.
34. Officials look for the intent of any circumstance on the track. Situations deemed under malicious intent may result in disqualification.