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Track Rentals & Clinic Policies

Track Rentals are Available for Indoor

  • Birthdays, Team Practice, Private Practice

  • $150 for 2 hr rental

  • Subject to Track Operator's availability

  • Saturdays / Sundays only (Feb-March 2025)

  • Email for booking requests

Track Rentals for Clinics - Our Policies

  • ​Clinic/Camp must be open to the public - otherwise it will be considered a rental and rental fees will apply (per the above rental pricing/2 hrs).

  • All clinic hosts are responsible for paying the $25 TORF Fee for each day an event is hosted at our tracks (paid to Idaho BMX at time of event, so we may submit the proper Track Operating Reporting Form - TORF)

  • If we are collecting payments for you, we will collect a 4% admin fee before distributing your payment.

  • All events are subject to Track Operator (or Board Representative) availability.

  • Email for booking requests


Clinics hosted by Pros:

  • We welcome all Pros and World Class Riders to host clinics/camps at our tracks and we will only ask you pay the TORF fee ($25/day).​


Clinics hosted by USABMX Track Coaches:

  • Clinic/Camo must be hosted by a current USABMX Coach or have made arrangements to have a Coach present during your event.

  • In addition to the daily TORF, the Coach will pay a discounted rental fee (per day) to cover the cost of our time and to account for the prep/general wear and tear on the track and our equipment.

    • Indoor: $50/day (plus TORF = $75/day)​

    • Outdoor: TBD


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