Eagle Park BMX seeks Sponsorships and Donations for 2019 Indoor and Outdoor BMX Racing Seasons.

The Idaho BMX Community has been tremendously supportive of racing within the Treasure Valley. We have an awesome schedule planned for 2019, including bringing Indoor BMX racing back to Idaho! This is very exciting, but coming with a hefty cost that we will need to consume. With that said, we'd like to open up Marketing and donation opportunities to those interested in supporting our racing programs.
In addition to Idaho Indoor BMX racing which starts on February 1st, through March, we will again be operating the Eagle Park BMX, Caldwell BMX, and Rocky Top BMX (Mountain Home) Tracks through October. With all Four tracks, including a Regional Gold Cup qualifier, and Idaho State Championship we're guaranteed to not only see local racers, but many others from surrounding states.
"We're excited about 2019! The Idaho Indoor Series is shaping up to be a great one, but we'd love to show more marketing partners how loyal our BMX family is when they see your company supporting them! - Danny Adair, Development Director
We do have some great supporters that we couldn't do without to get the Idaho Indoor Series rolling, special thanks to:
City of Caldwell - Donation and Outstanding Commitment to BMX
Simplot Corporation - Donating over 3,000 Yards of Dirt
Coastline Equipment - Donating the Heavy Earthmoving Equipment
C&B Trailers - Gate Fabrication
Consurco - Bronze Level (Cash Donation)
WPS/Fly Racing - Product Sponsorship
Sponsorship Levels and Donations
We've created multiple levels of sponsorship and are open to any and all contributions, please see this link for more details or email at eagleparkbmx@gmail.com. Our 501c3 non-profit organization also allows any contributions to be fully tax deductible!