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Gem State Nationals - FAQs

Updated: Aug 10, 2023

Idaho BMX is looking forward to hosting the 2023 Gem State Nationals this week at Caldwell BMX! Please read through this information to learn more about our events and how to navigate to and around the track.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out at


What is the schedule of events for the week?

Do you have a list of food trucks that will be at the track?

Will you have a Thursday night practice? (YES)

What is the schedule for practice on Friday?

When and how do I register to race?

Getting to and around the Track

Caldwell is growing and we are surrounded by road construction. We have been working with our City and hope that we have laid out a solid plan to help you all navigate without too much trouble. Thank you in advance for your patience!

What do I need to know - in general?

  • The Caldwell BMX track is located at 4700 Skyway St. Caldwell, ID 83605

  • The safest approach to and from the track will likely be using the stop light at Chinden and Smeed Pkwy, from there you will be directed to the parking areas.

    • If you are headed for street parking or premium parking, it may be easier to proceed straight to Kcid Rd then west onto Skyway St.

  • We are utilizing a one-way loop around the park to help eliminate backups into construction zones and make sure our industrial neighbors have access in and out of their businesses, please take a look at the map before you get here so you have a lay of the land.

  • Passes will start being passed out at the track on Thursday, each parking/camping area will be assigned a colored tag that will allow you access to your lot. Please make sure you have it hung on your rear view mirror at all times to help keep lines moving and get you all in and out efficiently. If you can’t hang it from your mirror, please show it to the parking attendant and make sure it is displayed on your dash when parked.

    • LOCALS please consider picking up your parking passes at Tuesday practice to expedite pickup for our out of town/state visitors on Thursday. The more who have their passes before Friday, the quicker people will be able to get through the lines during the days of the races. Thank you!

  • The softball fields between the camping area and the BMX track are connected with sidewalks, there are no games during our event so feel free to utilize the grass areas. Please be respectful and keep bikes off the dirt infields. We love our softball neighbors.

What do I need to know about Parking?

What do I need to know about Camping?

Can we have golf carts at the track?

Are there canopy spots available?

Where is the handicap parking located?

How can I help?

Volunteers are still needed!

We are still in dire need of volunteers to direct traffic and sell concessions. If you are looking for service hours, as a 501c3 we can sign off on your volunteer work towards your hours goals! Or, as always, we will offer Bike Bucks ($10 voucher per volunteer shift) for use at any Idaho BMX track.

Thank you for considering donating your time to support our non profit. Idaho BMX operates 2 permanent tracks in the Treasure Valley, and seasonally offers an indoor track when funds allow. The Idaho BMX Board is optimistic this event will be a great way to showcase racing in the great state of Idaho and also be a revenue generator for our tracks to continue investing and improving and to grow the Idaho BMX community.

If you have any questions reach out to


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